Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The highlights package

Ahhh one awards show is already over for the year. It's bittersweet, especially as Amy and Tina did such a magnificent job hosting again, but that's just how the world works and we have to accept it. Awards Season is fleeting, intense and spectacular and I wouldn't have it any other way.

1. Amy and Tina
Pretty much anything associated with one or the other is bound to be good, but the two of them together create true magic. And giggles. My two favourites were:

"Gravity: It's the story of how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age!"

"And now, like a supermodel's vagina, let's all give a warm welcome to Leonardo Dicaprio!"


And Tina throwing some shade on Taylor Swift made my night. After Amy won, Tina ecstatically hugged her and said "I love you, there's a special place in hell for you!" Swifty of course infamously said of Amy and Tina, "there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women" after they made a joke about her hooking up with Michael J Fox's son at last year's Golden Globes. Because Swift is the worst. But Tina is the best and so she slammed her.

Whatever, it's all the best, just watch it.


See above video.

3. JLaw and Nicholas Hoult finally attend something proper together 
So now I can watch them be like, the hottest couple ever.

4. Julia Louis Dreyfus snubs Reese Witherspoon 
And it's the best.

5. Elisabeth Moss flips off the stupid Mani Cam

6. Two of my favourite people become one
Tina: Amy Poehler is nominated for her work on Parks and Recreation
Amy: I believe Amy is here tonight. Can we get a shot of her?
Tina: She looks fantastic!
Amy: She looks amazing! Wow, radiant! It is hard to believe she's a 42-year old mother of two.

7. Cate Blanchett. Just everything.
Especially when she told Leonardo Dicaprio that she hated Ryan Seacrest right after her interview. Hahahaha. Haha. Love her.

8. Robert Downey Jr
It's the WORST when he isn't at an award's show. I always miss him. I'm glad he was at this one.

9. Emma Thompson
For entertaining us and being Emma Thompson.

10. Jennifer Lawrence photo-bombing Taylor Swift
This would have been better if they didn't then fawn all over each other and gush about their friendship. Instead, I prefer to pretend that right after the photo bomb happened, JLaw crash-tackled Swifty to the ground.

Aaaaaand I'm out. But don't worry my gorgeous Gossip Lovers, awards season has only just begun. Come back for the Grammy's, SAGs, and whatever other trash in between. Yay!

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