Friday, August 20, 2010


Well, obviously I have skin. What I really want is to have skin like Halle Berry's when I'm Halle Berry's age (44).

Can you believe Nicole Kidman is a year younger than Halle? Man, she must be so pissed (Nicole, I mean).

Anyway, I don't have really bad skin, but it takes a lot of werk to make it look ok. But for the sake of this blog, here is me SANS MAKEUP (apart from SPF 30 moisturiser and concealer but I still ain't showing you the bags under my eyes):
So, like I said, it's not awful. But holy crap this Winter has taken it's toll and the wind and harsh weather have made my skin super, super dry. Especially coz I got sick and had to keep wiping my nose and basically my skin has been quite flaky and not up to my standard. I moisturise every morning (with SPF in it - ALWAYS even when it's raining) and before I leave the house and/or before I put makeup on, whichever comes first. But within like 5 minutes it is dry again!

I don't think it is my moisturiser's fault because it has never let me down in the past. I think maybe I have been abusing my skin slightly and taking it for granted (sorry baby) because sometimes  - ok, a lot - I forget to remove my makeup at the end of the day. I should do it though because my Johnson's wipes also cleanse the skin.

But whatever. The point is, I needed to help my skin and I wanted a quick fix. Last night I found a jar of moisturising stuff in my cupboard that my mum once gave me and I never used as it looked a bit too intense and I didn't want my skin to become an oil slick. In my desperation though, I tried it. I applied it to my skin and massaged it until it was aborbed. This is the stuff I used:

Nutrimetics Nutri-Rich Oil enriched with Apricot Oil is a fucking miracle worker. Only overnight my skin was basically melting beneath my fingers, it was so soft. This stuff is so intense I woke up pretty much looking like this again:

Fo realz, it has been 11 hours since I woke up and my skin is still baby-skin smooth. I did also use my normal moisturiser before leaving the house, so that maybe helped. I might do the Nutrimetics thing like once a week as a treatment. But if you want soft, not-dry, good skin give this a go. And pass on this blog to the Nutrimetics people maybe I will get some free shit.